2016 Planning Board Minutes and Audio

November 17, 2016

Topics include: Viewing the documentary, "Come Hell or High Water - the Great Flood of 1916". The meeting also included starting discussions around updating the Transylvania County Sign Ordinance.  A quorum was not met, however, the film was still viewed and suggestions for the Sign Ordinance updates were shared.

October 17, 2016

Topics include: Discussion of ordinances that may need reviewed and updated in accordance with recent legislation.  The Planning Board has completed the draft 2025 Comprehensive Plan which is scheduled to be presented to the County Commissioners on October 24, 2016. 

August 18, 2016

Topics include: Sharing the current draft of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan with the public.  View the presentation here.

July 14, 2016

Topics include: Sharing the current draft of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan with the public, as well as the review of a monopole microwave tower application. 

June 16, 2016

Topics include: Finalizing the goals and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan for it to be presented to community advocates and then submitted to the County Commissioners.

May 19, 2016

Topics include: Continuing to work on the County Comprehensive Plan.

April 28, 2016

Topics include: Continuing to work on the County Comprehensive Plan.

April 21, 2016

Topics include: Continuing to work on the County Comprehensive Plan.

April 7, 2016

Topics include: Continue progress on the County Comprehensive Plan.

March 17, 2016

Topics include: The subdivision update and a 2025 Comprehensive Plan development session.

February 18, 2016

Topics include: Election of the chair and vice-chair of the board, subdivision update, comprehensive plan update, and transportation project update.

January 28, 2016

Topics include: Subdivision update, comprehensive plan update, and the proposal of Community Advocates Workshop.