September 2003

09-08-2003 Regular Meeting

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Meeting Details:

The Board of Commissioners of Transylvania County met in regular session on Monday, September 8, 2003, 7:00 p.m., large courtroom of the Courthouse, Chairman Ray Miller presiding.  There were approximately 15 people in the audience.
Commissioners present: Chairman Ray Miller, Vice Chairman Jeff Duvall, Marla Cilley, and David Guice.  Commissioner Rob Davenportwas absent due to an injury.
Staff present:  Manager Artie Wilson, Finance Director Gay Poor, Court Sergeant Terry Whitmire, Attorney David Neumann, Health Director Terry Pierce, EMS Director David McNeill, Fire Marshal Gerald Grose, Sheriff Bobby Orr, Planning & Economic Development Director Mark Burrows, Child Development Director Kae Parker, Personnel Director Sheila Cozart, Deputy Tax Assessor Annette Raines, Director of Elections Judy Mathews and Clerk Kimberly Conover
Media: Transylvania Times – Jennifer Uhl-Ford; Mt. Voice – Jane Roehrs