The Board of Commissioners meets monthly on the 2nd Monday at 4:00 pm and the 4th Monday at 6:00 pm in the Multipurpose (Commissioners) Chambers in the Administration Building, 101 South Broad Street, Brevard. 

The Board of Commissioners holds two 15-minute public comment periods during each regular meeting.  Speakers are allowed three minutes to talk about any topic. 

Persons wanting to speak during the first public comment section on the agenda should sign up by completing a sign-up form located in the foyer of the meeting Chambers prior to the start of the meeting.  No sign-up is required for the second public comment session at the end of the Board meeting.  Citizens may submit written comments to the Board at any time, but they will not be shared during the public comment section of the Board meetings.

For more information, contact the Clerk at 884-1936 or e-mail [email protected]. Scheduled meetings, archived meetings, and videos can be found below.

December 2016


Time: 8:30 am
Available Files / Links:

November 2016


Time: 1:00 pm
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Sheriff’s Office Reserve Fund Request, Hemlock Restorative Initiative Cost Share Program, Emergency Management Vehicle Purchase with EMPG Funds, Approval of Track Hoe Replacement at the Landfill, Connect NC Bond Grant Application…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Transylvania Natural Resources Council Annual Report, Parks and Recreation Master Plan Organizational Options, Discontinuation of Requirement for Residential Plan Review, HOME Funds Application 2016, Wayfinding Project Proposal,…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 9:00 am
Available Files / Links:

October 2016


Time: 4:00 pm
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Road Closure Declaration, NCACC Annual Safety Award, Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule, ACT Work Ready Communities, Animal Services Staffing, Budget Amendment, Manager’s Report.
Available Files / Links:

September 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Discovery, Release & Monthly Settlement Report, Flu Vaccine Fee Update, Transylvania Natural Resources Council, Manager’s Report, Joint City and County Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Donation of Surplus Van, Proclaiming Constitution Day, Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, Parks & Rec Appt, Schools Request for Lottery Funds, Rescue Squad Contractual Agreement, Landfill Notice of Violations, Tower Lease,…
Available Files / Links:

August 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Discovery, Monthly Settlement Report, Write-off - Fee Update - Engineered Option Payment Fee in Health Dept, Smoky Mountain Center Fiscal Report, Res. In Recognition of John E. “Johnny” Nicholson, Res. Allowing Retiring Officer to…
Available Files / Links:

July 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Report, Cancellation of the August 8 Board of Commissioners Meeting, Annual Work Plans, Res. in Recognition of Kris M. Stephens, Rec. of Citizen Advisory Council Members, Regional Broadband…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Res. in Recognition of Beth M. Hyatt, Transylvania Economic Alliance Semi-Annual Report, Voting Delegate to the NCACC Annual Conference, Area Council on Aging, Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, 2015 Tax Settlement Report, 2016 Order to Collect…
Available Files / Links:

June 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Reports, Appointment of Review Officer for City of Brevard, Res. In Recognition of Shelton Wayne Cheek, Res. In Recognition of Daniel D. Powell, Designation of July 2016 as Park and…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Applications for Permits to Conduct Fireworks Displays, Proclamation – Arts and Culture Week 2016, Medical Countermeasures Exercise Summary, Agricultural Advisory Board, Library Board of Trustees, Budget Amendments, Manager’s Report
Available Files / Links:

May 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Report, Schedule Public Hearing on FY 2016-17 Budget, Safety Committee Report, Workforce Development Board, Joint Historic Preservation Commission, Transportation (Roads) Advisory Committee…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Budget Workshop Topics include: Public Comment, Sheriff's Office Reserve Request, Outside Agency Requests, Education (Capital), Property Tax, Fire District Tax Rates.
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Proclamation – EMS Week 2016, Proclamation – National Police Week 2016, Res. Approving Matching Funds for Building Reuse Program Grant Award, Governor’s Volunteer Service Award, Land of Sky Regional Council Delegation, Brevard Board…
Available Files / Links:

April 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Unseal Closed Session Minutes, Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Report, Proclamation-Older Americans Month 2016, Proclamation-In Honor of Transylvania County’s Centenarians, Proclamation-National Day of Prayer, Update on…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Annual Leave Rollover Process, Update of Transylvania County Drug and Alcohol Policy, Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Criminal History and Background Investigation Process, Employee Appearance…
Available Files / Links:

March 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Public Hearing - Incentive Grant for Stone Mountain Cabinetry and Millwork, Inc., Approval of the 5-Mile Insurance District Change for Little River Fire Department, Approval of Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Report…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Records Retention and Disposition Schedule-Social Services, Citizen Advisory Council Handbook, Presentation by Smoky Mountain Center, Transylvania Economic Alliance Property Identification and Evaluation Study Report, School Funding…
Available Files / Links:

February 2016


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Report, Flood Damage Control Fees – Waiver for Soil and Water Conservation District, 340B Fee Schedule Revision, Presentation by Tourism Development Authority, Silvermont Contract with…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Request to Close Tax Office for Staff Development and Training, WCCA Application for Community Services Block Grant, Champion Pool Discussion-Request by Town of Rosman, Manager’s Report, FY 2016-17 Budget Presentations –…
Available Files / Links:


Time: 7:00 pm
Topics include: Public Comment, Appointment of Review Officers for Transylvania County, 2015 Delinquent Taxpayer List, Discovery, Release and Monthly Settlement Report, Facilities Use Request-Courthouse, Res. In Recognition of Harry E. Holden, Res. Allowing…
Available Files / Links: