March 2004

03-08-2004 Planning Workshop

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Meeting Details:

The 2004 planning workshop was held as an informal meeting for two days at the Transylvania Activity Center, Monday, March 8th and Wednesday, March 10th, starting at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners present:  Chairman Ray Miller, Vice Chairman Jeff Duvall, Marla Cilley, Rob Davenport, and David Guice
Staff present:  Manager Artie Wilson, Finance Director Gay Poor, and Clerk Kimberly Conover
Other staff present:  Larry Moss and Sandra Beck from Information Technology, Sheriff Bobby Orr, Library Director Anna Yount, Interim Health Director Bill Mashburn and Court Sergeant Terry Whitmire
Facilitator from Land-of-Sky Regional Council:  Jim Stokoe
Media present:  Transylvania Times, Derek McKissock; Mountain Voice, Jane Roehrs
Chairman Miller, presiding, opened the session at 5:00 pm welcoming participants and visitors.  He explained that the general purpose for the planning workshops was to provide direction for the county, to provide a format for commissioners to discuss policy issues and agree on a path forward, and to understand budget concerns and provide budget guidance for financial issues.
The facilitator, Jim Stokoe, was asked to clarify goals and decisions as the meeting proceeded.  Mr. Stokoe reviewed with the group his role as facilitator, the characteristics and core values of an effective group, and the ground rules.  He noted that the ground rules remain the same as in previous years.  A consensus was reached that the members would follow the ground rules.